
AbstractThe Upper Cretaceous Bauru Group in south‐east Brazil consists of alluvial strata whose characteristics and distribution indicate a fluvial system developed in a semi‐arid to arid climate. Sections exposed within a 90 000 km2 study area in Minas Gerais State (in south‐eastern Brazil) were evaluated using facies and palaeosol analysis to formulate depositional and pedogenic models that may account for geomorphic and climate features. From east to west, the study succession records a gradual decrease in grain size, an increase in the width/thickness ratio in channels, a decrease in the lateral and vertical connectivity of channel deposits, and an increase in overbank deposits. The fluvial architecture indicates a braided channel belt, ephemeral ribbon–channels, and an unconfined fluvial facies from east to west in the study area. The lateral and vertical distribution of facies, stratigraphic architecture and palaeocurrent data suggest proximal, medial and distal portions of a progradational distributive fluvial system. The sedimentary dynamics were marked by the building and abandonment of channels related to processes of aggradation, vegetation growth and palaeosol generation. Macromorphological and micromorphological analyses have identified pedological and mineralogical features that indicate an arid to semi‐arid climate with a provenance from the north‐eastern part of the basin (Alto Paranaiba Uplift). From the proximal to the distal portions of the distributive fluvial system, the palaeosol development is different. In the proximal portion, the palaeosols are absent or poorly developed, allowing a possible general comparison with the present soil order: Inceptisols and Aridisols. In the medial portion of the fluvial system, the palaeosols are well‐developed and characterized by Bt, Btk, C and Ck horizons (Alfisols, Aridisols, Inceptisols and Entisols). Poorly drained to well‐drained palaeosols from the base to the top in the distal plain (Aridisols and Inceptisols) are associated with geomorphic and hydromorphic changes in the fluvial system due to progradational evolution. The genetic relationship between the fluvial architecture and the palaeosols enhances the understanding that the sedimentation and pedogenesis that occurs in different portions of the distributive fluvial system are related to the tectonic and climatic evolution of the basin.

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