
Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) provides an effective ventilatory support in patients with respiratory failure without endotracheal intubation. However, there are potential problems with its clinical application and the development of pressure ulcers represents a common complication. Often several intensive care units treat facial skin breakdown related to NIV. In this article, we report our experience in treatment and prevention of these lesions, emphasising the higher risk of certain age groups to develop them, such as preterm infants and elderly patients with comorbidities. We performed daily disinfection of the lesions followed by application of topical cream containing hyaluronic acid (HA) sodium salt. In addition, in order to prevent worsening of injury, we applied a cushion made of gauze pad containing HA sodium salt between the skin and the masks, so as to reduce friction between the NIV devices and the skin. Local medical treatment allowed complete reepithelialisation of the injured skin areas. Systematic monitoring of patients' faces is essential to detect early damages and to intervene with appropriate therapy, especially in preterm infants and elderly. Moreover, refining the devices with the proposed protective cushion can reduce pressure ulcers and increase comfort for the patients.

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