
AbstractWe propose a 3D+time framework for modeling dynamic sequences of 3D facial shapes, representing realistic non‐rigid motion during a performance. Our work extends neural 3D morphable models by learning a motion manifold using a transformer architecture. More specifically, we derive a novel transformer‐based autoencoder that can model and synthesize 3D geometry sequences of arbitrary length. This transformer naturally determines frame‐to‐frame correlations required to represent the motion manifold, via the internal self‐attention mechanism. Furthermore, our method disentangles the constant facial identity from the time‐varying facial expressions in a performance, using two separate codes to represent neutral identity and the performance itself within separate latent subspaces. Thus, the model represents identity‐agnostic performances that can be paired with an arbitrary new identity code and fed through our new identity‐modulated performance decoder; the result is a sequence of 3D meshes for the performance with the desired identity and temporal length. We demonstrate how our disentangled motion model has natural applications in performance synthesis, performance retargeting, key‐frame interpolation and completion of missing data, performance denoising and retiming, and other potential applications that include full 3D body modeling.

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