
AbstractConstructive voice encompasses a multitude of voice message content. However, existing measures of voice do not capture these differences in a precise way and contribute to inconclusive evidence. Based on existing conceptualizations of constructive voice, we suggest that employee voice messages differ along three main dimensions: (1) suggesting innovative opportunities versus highlighting harm (functional orientation), (2) offering specific suggestions versus pointing out problems (substantive orientation), and (3) addressing existing versus potential future issues (temporal orientation). Using this three-dimensional approach, we define five distinct prototypical facets of voice with well-defined conceptual boundaries. Through two expert studies (N = 12 and N = 10), we identify uncertainties in the content of current voice measures. We then introduce a newly developed measure that addresses these shortcomings. In two consecutive survey studies (N = 132 and N = 553), we present initial evidence supporting the reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity of this measure. The correlations among the five facets of voice were high. However, we also found evidence for differential associations with some antecedents.

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