
More than 80% of vertebrogenic lumbar pain is unspecific and can only be attributed to a specific anatomic structure with difficulty. The pain can emanate from the intervertebral discs, intervertebral and sacroiliac (SI) joints, musculature, and ligaments. In a maximum of 7% of cases, the pain is radicular (4% due to intervertebral discs and 3% caused by stenoses). In 7-15% of cases, the pain's origin is located in the region of the vertebral joints and in up to 15% in the region of the SI joint. Although the overwhelming majority of pain has no clear structural cause, infiltrations of medications and nerve blockades are frequently employed. The efficacy of these procedures has however not been verified in controlled studies with the exception of epidural injection of corticosteroids for radicular pain. Epidural and epiradicular application of corticosteroids appear to be effective for radicular pain, at least on a short-term basis, although controlled studies have yielded controversial results. The difficulty lies partly in the exact placement at the affected root for applying the medication. This is hardly possible with a caudal injection, while with a lumbar peridural injection and periradicular injections it is only possible under X-ray control or even better CT guidance.

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