
Facebook is very familiar in the country over the past decade. It helps to connect global citizens through a social network on the Internet. Many people use the Facebook network to communicate and exchange opinions. There are many positive aspects, although it spoils some individuals' lives. One of the main areas that can become aware of is time. The first and vital thing is that "it will kill the viewers' time" because it provides them with entertainment. Gradually, this causes viewers to listen more often to the posts of others. This is due to the desire to know others; they may be friends or relatives. The aim of this paper is to investigate Facebook addiction among prospective teachers and to find the difference between potential teachers in their dependence on Facebook in relation to marital status, place of residence, number of family members, father's profession, and mother's profession. This paper uses a survey method to determine the dependence of future teachers on Facebook. The paper consists of 60 samples of the population of a teacher training college. It uses the Facebook Addiction Scale tool for the present study. The conclusion shows that there is no significant difference between potential teachers in their dependence on Facebook in terms of marital status, place of residence, number of family members, father's profession, and mother's profession. Many of them use Facebook to share their daily activities with friends. This causes eagerness among recipients and senders. Thus, other background variables did not affect the use of Facebook by potential teachers.

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