
Following graduation from Manhattan College with a Bachelor of Civil Engrg. degree and graduate studies in sanitary engineering at Virginia Polytechnic Inst. & State Univ., James J. Corbalis Jr. began what was to become a notable career in the water‐supply f ield. His first employment was with Wiley& Wilson, Consulting Engineers, in Lynchburg, Va., as a design engineer. He later became a sanitation of f icer for the Virginia State Dept. of Health, followed by a position as sanitary engineer for the County of Fairfax (Virginia.)During WWII he served as an ensign with the US Navy, Civil Engrg. corps. After being discharged, he became a Consulting engineer for the Fairfax County Planning Com., then sanitary engineer for the County of Fairfax, and later engineer‐director for the City of Alexandria San. Auth. He presently is engineer‐director for the Fairfax County Water Auth.Mr. Corbalis has a long list of professional affiliations which include: certified professional engr. (Civil), Virginia; honorary member, AWWA; diplomate, American Academy of Envir. Engrs.; member and past President, Virginia Soc. of Professional Engrs.; member and pastdirector. Natl. Soc. of Professional Engrs.; member and past chairman, Virginia Sect., AWWA; member and past President, Virginia Water Pollution Control Assn.; and member and past President, Virginia Water Pollution Control Assn.; and member and past President, Virginia Water and Sewer Auths. Assn. He is also a member of the Interstate Com. on the Potomac River Basin, and a member of the Technical Advisory Com., Water Resources Planning Bd., Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments.In the following article, AWWA Exec. Dir. Eric Johnson questions Mr. Corbalis about the Fairfax County Water Auth. covering such topics as the formation of the authority, discussion of their Operations, water rights, rate setting, public relations efforts, and labor‐management relations.

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