
<p>In this paper an attempt has been made to detect the face using the combination of integral image along with the cascade structured classifier which is built using Adaboost learning algorithm. The detected faces are then passed through a filtering process for discarding the non face regions. They are individually split up into five segments consisting of forehead, eyes, nose, mouth and chin. Each segment is considered as a separate image and Eigenface also called principal component analysis (PCA) features of each segment is computed. The faces having a slight pose are also aligned for proper segmentation. The test image is also segmented similarly and its PCA features are found. The segmental Euclidean distance classifier is used for matching the test image with the stored one. The success rate comes out to be 88 per cent on the CG(full) database created from the databases of California Institute and Georgia Institute. However the performance of this approach on ORL(full) database with the same features is only 70 per cent. For the sake of comparison, DCT(full) and fuzzy features are tried on CG and ORL databases but using a well known classifier, support vector machine (SVM). Results of recognition rate with DCT features on SVM classifier are increased by 3 per cent over those due to PCA features and Euclidean distance classifier on the CG database. The results of recognition are improved to 96 per cent with fuzzy features on ORL database with SVM.</p><p><strong>Defence Science Journal, 2011, 61(5), pp.431-442</strong><strong><strong>, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.61.1178</strong></strong></p>

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