
In today’s date real world application like human-machine interaction, security surveillance face recognition has made its great importance. For face recognition the steps to be followed are data collection, preprocessing, Feature Extraction, Training Evaluation and finally testing. One of the best Algorithms used for face recognition is Viola-Jones Algorithm. Viola Jones Algorithm is highly accepted because of its fast processing time and high detection rate. The other detection Algorithms which can be used are HOG Algorithm (Histogram Oriented Gradient), Deep Learning CNN (Convolution Neural Network) Algorithm, Haar cascade Algorithm and MTCNN Algorithm. In this Paper we will discuss about all this Algorithms and compare the detection rate of facial points among various methods for the datasets. YOLO V5 algorithm is another algorithm which can be used for face recognition technique. Face recognition can be achieved by combining the YOLO V5 algorithm with additional technique such as deep face recognition models like face net, which can recognize and compare facial features to identify individuals.YOLOV5 can identify facial features such as eyes, mouth, and nose, making it useful for a variety of face recognition applications.

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