
Attendance recording is critical in current environment for increasing the quality of any industrial system. Accordingly, a strong computerised Face detection attendance recording system using an ESP32 camera is required. Every organisation has a stringent policy requiring attendance. Maintaining an attendance register manually involves effort and time. RFID and biometric technology, for instance, are two approaches to the same problem. This analysis describes an effective and inventive technique for validating attendance and detecting presence. The ESP32 microcontroller family has dual-mode Bluetooth and built-in Wi-Fi. In contrast to biometric attendance systems, this facial detectionbased technology does not require someone to be close to the fingerprint reader module. When the same student or employee uses the biometric attendance system to record their attendance, the biometric device becomes contaminated. And in case of RFID chances of proxy is high. Using facial recognition technology, this forecast will track employee or student attendance.

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