
In this digital world, face recognition system plays an important role in almost every sector. Traditionally, the attendance of scholars has been a serious concern for the universities and therefore the faculty has got to spend tons of your time and may be a tedious job to mark attendance manually. Current biometric attendance system isn't automatic that wastes tons of your time , difficult to take care of and requires a queue for scanning fingerprints to mark their attendance.This model subsume a camera that captures input image, an algorithm to detect a face from the input image, encode it and recognize the face. The system camera captures the image and sends it to the server where faces are recognized from the database and shows their name and mark the attendance in a spreadsheet. Other than just marking attendance, it also marks the time at which the attendance was taken. In another word, the main goal of this project is to build a system that help lecturers take students attendance in a professional way. In this system we can recognise a person’s face and record attendance from that person so that attendance activities are more efficient and faster.

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