
Over the past years Automatic face recognition (AFR) technologies have shown improvements in performance. Hence these systems are widely used for security and commercial applications. An automated system for face recognition during a real time background for a university to mark the attendance of their employees. So Smart Attendance using Real Time Face Recognition may be a world solution which comes with day-to-day activities of handling employees. The task is extremely difficult because the important time background subtraction during a picture remains a challenge. To detect real time face are used and an easy fast Principal Component Analysis has won’t to recognize the faces detected with a high accuracy rate. The matched face is employed to mark attendance of the worker. Our system maintains the attendance records of employees automatically. It becomes difficult task to enter attendance entry manually in logbooks. Hence, we have come with a module in which attendance of employee will be marked automatically by detecting their face by using face recognition techniques. This enrolling may be a onetime process and their face are going to be stored within the database. During enrolling of face we require a system since it's a onetime process. You can have your own roll number as your employee id which can be unique for every employee. The presence of every employee is going to be updated during a database. Proposed system results proved that it has better performance than manual attendance system Attendance is marked after employee identification. This product gives far more solutions with accurate leads to user interactive manner instead of existing attendance and leave management systems.

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