
Many late transition binary alloy nanoparticles (NPs) have been fabricated through a wide variety of techniques. Various steps are involved in the fabrication of such NPs. Here, we used a simple and green route to fabricate solid-solution Rh–Pd and Rh–Pt bimetallic alloy NPs through femtosecond laser irradiation in a solution without any chemicals like reducing agents. X-ray diffraction (XRD) peaks of NPs obtained in the solutions with different ratios of Rh–Pd and Rh–Pt ions monotonically varied from the position of pure Rh to those of Pd and to Pt which respectively indicated that these NPs were alloy. Composition of fabricated NPs was fully tuned over the entire range of Rh1−x –Pd x , and Rh1−x –Pt x with varying the mixing ratio of metal ions in the solution. Studies of Rh–Pd and Rh–Pt solid-solution system suggest that the alloy formation occurs through the nucleation of Rh and then followed by the diffusion of Rh, Pd and Rh, Pt to form a homogeneous alloy. The variety of average size of the alloy NPs for different compositions could be attributed to different reduction rate and surface energies of metal ions. Our result implies that femtosecond laser irradiation in aqueous solution is one of the potential methodologies to form multimetallic solid-solution alloy NPs with fully tunable composition.

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