
MEMS/NEMS piezoresistive cantilever is a framework that is used to recognize the reaction with various material coatings and analytes to watch the reaction of the Cantilever. In the key examined different materials for creation of cantilever with various coatings on the cantilever which is significant results for the applications. In the second approach in perspective of multiplication results we produce consistent MEMS/NEMS piezoresistive Cantilever with unmistakable evidence of different sorts of nano materials polyvinylpyrrolidone, 4-mercaptobenzoic corrosive (4-MBA) on the covering of cantilever and its examination and viewing the response and reaction of the cantilever. In the third approach conspicuous verification of different analytes for the covered silicon dioxide cantilever to finished diverse results which are useful for the disclosure in stickiness conditions. Finally to finish the experimentation examination used OmniCant instrument for every one of the sorts of examination with various analytes and response like resistance versus time it is possible to achieve for the present examinations.

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