
Searching new environmentally friendly materials is a goal in the construction area. This sector is one of the most polluting sectors due to the large number of raw materials and the high amount of energy it requires. So, it is necessary to look for ways to reduce this environmental impact. In this work, it is proposed the use of walnut and hazelnut shells as raw material to produce insulating materials, mainly thermal insulation, which can be used in houses or buildings in general. In addition, bone glue and beeswax, which are natural binders and have been obtained in an ecological way, will be used as binders. Tests have been carried out combining different ecological materials and changing the ratio used and their thermal conductivity has been measured. The coefficient of thermal conductivity is obtained by measuring the amount of heat that passes through the sample and applying Fourier's law. The values for the biomaterials are in the range of 0.038–0.071 Kcal/(h·m·K), these coefficients of thermal conductivity are similar to others common materials used as thermal insulators in the construction sector. Therefore, walnut or hazelnut shells could be used, giving a use to this natural waste, in the manufacture of insulating panels in construction.

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