
Cobalt-based full-Heusler alloy thin films have recently attracted much interest as highly desirable ferromagnetic electrodes for spintronic devices because of the half-metallic ferromagnetic nature theoretically predicted for some of these alloys and because of their high Curie temperatures, which are well above room temperature (RT). In this study, Co-based full-Heusler alloy thin films of Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al (CCFA) and Co2MnGe (CMG) were epitaxially grown on MgO-buffered MgO (001) substrates using magnetron sputtering. The films were deposited at RT and subsequently annealed in situ at temperatures ranging from 400 to 600 °C. X-ray pole figure measurements of the CCFA films indicated that these films were epitaxial and crystallized in the B2 structure. X-ray pole figure measurements of the annealed CMG films showed (111) peaks with four-fold symmetry, which provides direct evidence that these films were epitaxial and crystallized in the L21 structure. Furthermore, cross-sectional transmission electron microscope images of a fabricated CMG film indicated that it was single-crystalline. The annealed films of CCFA and CMG had sufficiently flat surface morphologies with roughness of about 0.23 nm rms for 100 nm thick CCFA films and 0.26 nm rms for 45 nm thick CMG films. Using these epitaxially grown thin films, we fabricated fully epitaxial magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) consisting of a Co-based full-Heusler thin film of either CCFA or CMG as a lower electrode, a MgO tunnel barrier and a Co50Fe50 (CoFe) upper electrode. All layers were successively deposited in an ultrahigh vacuum chamber through the combined use of magnetron sputtering and electron beam evaporation. Reflection high-energy electron diffraction patterns observed in situ for each layer during preparation clearly indicated that all layers grew epitaxially in both the CCFA/MgO/CoFe and CMG/MgO/CoFe MTJ layer structures. The microfabricated epitaxial CCFA/MgO/CoFe MTJs demonstrated relatively high tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) ratios, for MTJs using a full-Heusler alloy, of 42% at RT and 74% at 55 K. On the other hand, the microfabricated epitaxial CMG/MgO/CoFe MTJs showed strongly temperature-dependent TMR characteristics with typical TMR ratios of 14% at RT and 70% at 7 K. These results confirm the promise of epitaxial MTJs as a key device structure for clarifying and utilizing the potentially high spin-polarization of Co-based full-Heusler alloy thin films.

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