
We have developed a microfabrication process for high aspect ratio thick silicon wafer molds and electroplating using flipchip bonding with THB 151N negative photoresist (JSR micro). This fabrication technique includes large area and high thickness silicon wafer mold electroplating. The process consists of silicon deep reactive ion etching (RIE) of the silicon wafer mold, photoresist bonding between the silicon mold and the substrate, nickel electroplating and a silicon removal process. High thickness silicon wafer molds were made by deep RIE and flipchip bonding. In addition, nickel electroplating was developed. Dry film resist (ORDYL MP112, TOK) and thick negative-tone photoresist (THB 151N, JSR micro) were used as bonding materials. In order to measure the bonding strength, the surface energy was calculated using a blade test. The surface energy of the bonding wafers was found to be 0.36–25.49 J m−2 at 60–180 °C for the dry film resist and 0.4–1.9 J m−2 for THB 151N in the same temperature range. Even though ORDYL MP112 has a better value of surface energy than THB 151N, it has a critical disadvantage when it comes to removing residue after electroplating. The proposed process can be applied to high aspect ratio MEMS structures, such as air gap inductors or vertical MEMS probe tips.

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