
We report on the fabrication of an all-glass vapor cell with a thickness varying linearly between (exactly) 0 and ∼1 μm. The cell is made in Borofloat glass that allows state-of-the-art super polish roughness, a full optical bonding assembling and easy filling with alkali vapors. We detail the challenging manufacture steps and present experimental spectra resulting from fluorescence and transmission spectroscopy of the cesium D1 line. The very small surface roughness of 1Å rms is promising to investigate the atom-surface interaction or to minimize parasite stray light.


  • The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that:

  • We report on the fabrication of an all-glass vapor cell with a thickness varying linearly between 0 and ∼1 μm

  • To reach high precision performances required to be used as atomic sensors [3,4], integrated optical chips immersed in alkali vapors demand meticulous characterization

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Durham Research Online

Citation for published item: Peyrot, T. and Beurthe, Ch. and Coumar, S. and Roulliay, M. and Perronet, K. and Bonnay, P. and Adams, C. S. and Browaeys, A. and Sortais, Y. (2019) 'Fabrication and characterization of super-polished wedged borosilicate nano-cells.', Optics letters., 44 (8). Fabrication and characterization of super-polished wedged borosilicate nano-cells. The cell is made in Borofloat glass that allows state-of-theart super polish roughness, a full optical bonding assembling and easy filling with alkali vapors. The very small surface roughness of 1 Å rms is promising to investigate the atom-surface interaction or to minimize parasite stray light

Published by The Optical Society under the terms of the Creative
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