
Introduction. The Faber polynomials play an important role in the theory of univalent functions. Grunsky [ l] succeeded in establishing a set of conditions for a given function which are necessary and in their totality sufficient for the uni valency of this function, and in these conditions the coefficients of the Faber polynomials play an important role. Schiffer [2] gave a differential equation for univalent functions solving certain extremum problems with respect to the coefficients of such functions ; in this differential equation appears again a polynomial which is just the derivative of a Faber polynomial (cf. Schiffer [3]; see also Schaeffer-Spencer [4]). It seems, therefore, of interest to study these Faber polynomials more closely, in particular their dependence on the given function with respect to which they are defined, their variation with the latter and certain characteristic inequalities for them and their coefficients. This investigation is carried out in the present paper. In §1 we establish a generating function for all Faber polynomials with respect to a given function. In §2 we establish variation formulas for the Faber polynomials and their coefficients. In §3 we solve certain extremum problems with respect to the coefficients of these polynomials and find again all the inequalities which have been established by Grunsky. In §4 we use our method in order to generalize our results and to find inequalities for the Faber polynomials themselves.

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