
T'ang Studies 5 (1987) Fa shu yao lu, a Ninth-Century Compendium of Texts on Calligraphy AMY McNAIR SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA For some decades now, we students of art and aesthetics have profited from Professor Acker's translation ofLi tai ming hua chi ~fC ~. ~c.(UARecord of Famous Painters of Successive Dynasties"), written by Chang Yen-yuan ~ fJ: ~ (c. 815-c. 880).1 But in the second chapter of that work, Chang Yen-yuan himself says, Now I am also compiling another collection called Fa shu yao lu i*~ ~ J~ ["Essential Records on Calligraphy"], making a total of 20 chapters together with Li tai ming hua chi. If amateurs of art obtain my two books, they will have everything on calligraphy and painting.2 Fa shu yao lu contains information on social attitudes toward the arts in China, the history of aesthetic terminology, and the functioning of the imperial art collections, in addition to the many histories of calligraphy found in its constituent texts. Furthermore, Chang Yen-yuan had an eye for authentic writings; only two works in Fa shu yao lu are considered fakes, whereas many of the uearly" texts in later compilations such as Chu Ch'ang-wen's **X Mo ch'ih pien ~ iill.~ of 1066 and Ch'en Ssu's Il* ,~,Shu yuan ching hua 1!f ~ iff =$ (compiled mid13th c.) are later fabrications. While Fa shu yao lu awaits a translator of Acker's caliber, I will offer my notes on the works that comprise it, following a briefbiographical notice on its compiler. Chang Yen-yuan was the epigone of a family whose members for generations served as high government ministers and engaged in the genteel pastime of art collecting. His great-great-grandfather, Chang Chia-chen ~ "5 ~ (d. 729), the Duke of Ho-tung, who served as a Grand Councilor under Emperor Hsuan-tsung, and his great-grandfather , Chang Yen-shang 5~~ 1t (723-787), ennobled as Duke ofWeikuo , who similarly served Emperor Te-tsung, were both renowned as collectors of art. His grandfather, Chang Hung-ching ~ 5L. Yf!j (760824 ), the Duke of Kao-p'ing, served Emperor Hsien-tsung as a Grand Councilor. He inherited the family art collection, but an enemy of his 1 In William R.B. Acker, Some T'ang and Pre-T'ang Texts on Chinese Painting (Leiden, 1954 and 1974). 2 Ibid., 214-215. 69 T'ang Studies 5 (1987) Fa shu yao lu, a Ninth-Century Compendium of Texts on Calligraphy AMYMcNAIR SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA For some decades now, we students of art and aesthetics have profited from Professor Acker's translation of Li tai ming hua chi 歷代名盡 記 ("A Record of Famous Painters of Successive Dynasties"), written by Chang Yen-yuan 張彥遠 (c. 815-c. 880).1 But in the second chapter of that work, Chang Yen-yuan himself says, NowIamalsocompiling anothercollection calledFa shuyaolu 法書要錄 ["EssentialRecordsonCalligraphy"], makinga totalof20 chapterstogether withLi tai minghua chi.If amateursofart obtainmytwobooks,theywill haveeverythingoncalligraphyandpainting.2 Fa shu yao lu contains information on social attitudes toward the arts in China, the history of aesthetic terminology, and the functioning of the imperial art collections, in addition to the many histories of calligraphy found in its constituent texts. Furthermore, Chang Yen-yuan had an eye for authentic writings; only two works in Fa shu yao lu are considered fakes, whereas many of the "early" texts in later compilations such as Chu Ch'ang-wen's 朱長文 Mo ch'ih pien 墨池編 of 1066 and Ch'en Ssu's 陳思 Shu yuan ching hua 書苑菁華 (compiled mid13th c.) are later fabrications. While Fa shu yao lu awaits a translator of Acker's caliber, I will offer my notes on the works that comprise it, following a brief biographical notice on its compiler. Chang Yen-yuan was the epigone of a family whose members for generations served as high government ministers and engaged in the genteel pastime of art collecting. His great-great-grandfather, Chang Chia-chen 張嘉貞 (d. 729), the Duke of Ho-tung, who served as a Grand Councilor under Emperor Hsiian-tsung, and his great-grandfather , Chang Yen-shang 張延賁 (723-787), ennobled as Duke of Weikuo , who similarly served Emperor Te-tsung, were both renowned as collectors of art. His...

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