
In the present article we analyze the matter-geometry coupled f(Q, T) theory of gravity. We offer the fully covariant formulation of the theory, with which we construct the correct energy balance equation and employ it to conduct a dynamical system analysis in a spatially flat Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker spacetime. We consider three different functional forms of the f(Q, T) function, specifically, f(Q,T)=alpha Q+ beta T, f(Q,T)=alpha Q+ beta T^2, and f(Q,T)=Q+ alpha Q^2+ beta T. We attempt to investigate the physical capabilities of these models to describe various cosmological epochs. We calculate Friedmann-like equations in each case and introduce some phase space variables to simplify the equations in more concise forms. We observe that the linear model f(Q,T)=alpha Q+ beta T with beta =0 is completely equivalent to the GR case without cosmological constant Lambda . Further, we find that the model f(Q,T)=alpha Q+ beta T^2 with beta ne 0 successfully depicts the observed transition from decelerated phase to an accelerated phase of the universe. Lastly, we find that the model f(Q,T)= Q+ alpha Q^2+ beta T with alpha ne 0 represents an accelerated de-Sitter epoch for the constraints beta < -1 or beta ge 0.

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