
We introduce a new approximation scheme for the periodic Andersonmodel (PAM). The modified alloy approximation represents an optimumalloy approximation for the strong-coupling limit, which can besolved within the coherent-potential-approximation formalism.Zero-temperature and finite-temperature phase diagrams are presentedfor the PAM in the intermediate-valence regime. The diversity ofmagnetic properties accessible by variation of the system parameterscan be studied by means of quasiparticle densities of states: theconduction band couples either ferromagnetically orantiferromagnetically to the f levels. A finite hybridization is anecessary precondition for ferromagnetism. However, too strong ahybridization generally suppresses ferromagnetism, but can forcertain system parameters also lead to a semi-metallic state withunusual magnetic properties. By comparing with the spectral densityapproximation, the influence of quasiparticle damping can beexamined.

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