
Based on the stratigraphic record of the deposits, analysis of previous works, historic archives, and eyewitness accounts the 1913 eruption of Volcán de Colima was reconstructed. The eruption started in 17 January and peaked in 20 January, 1913. It occurred in three main phases: 1) An opening phase with the generation of Merapi-type pyroclastic flows (units F 1, F 2, F 3) and a pyroclastic surge (S 1), 2) A vent-clearing phase with strong explosions that produced Vulcanian-Soufriere-type pyroclastic flows (F 4) and a pyroclastic surge (S 2) which destroyed the summit dome decompressing the magma system, and 3) a Plinian phase with the establishment of a ∼ 23 km high column dispersing a fallout (C 1) to the NE followed by the collapse of the column that generated a pyroclastic surge (S 3) and 15-km long pumice-rich pyroclastic flows (F 5). After the eruption, remobilization of the pyroclastic material generated lahars in main gullies around the crater. Fallout C 1 blanketed an area of ∼ 191,318 km 2 covering the cities of Guzman, Guadalajara, and Saltillo (Coahuila) located at 725 km from the source. It had a volume of 1.4 km 3 (0.57 km 3 DRE = Dense Rock Equivalent). The total volume of pyroclastic flow and surge deposits was 0.26 km 3 (0.07 km 3 DRE) giving a total volume of the eruption of 1.66 km 3 (0.64 km 3 DRE). The Plinian column lasted 4.6 h with a total mass of 1.5 × 10 12 kg and a mass eruption rate of 9.02 × 10 7 kg/s. The column height and the ejected magma volume indicate that the 1913 eruption had a VEI = 5 being the largest event in the historical record of Colima Volcano. Juvenile scoria and pumice consisted of Pl > Opx > Cpx > Hbl + accessory titanomagnetite + Ap and Ol with reaction rims. Chemistry of juvenile scoria and pumice samples is andesitic very homogeneous (58.3 ± 0.5 wt.% SiO 2) and similar to the 1818 juvenile products (58.9 ± 0.2 wt.% SiO 2). The presence of banded scoria, olivine phenocrysts with reaction rims, and trace element variations strongly suggest that the 1913 eruption was caused by a magma mixing event.

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