
Primates face many climate and land use change threats, making long-term population monitoring critical to prioritizing conservation efforts. Ground-based line transects are typically conducted to estimate and monitor primate populations. However, transects may be costly and logistically challenging. We sought to test whether low-cost (<5,000 USD), ready-to-use unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) could effectively monitor primate populations in north-eastern Madagascar. Critically Endangered [A3cd] golden-crowned sifakas (Propithecus tattersalli) are medium-sized, white lemurs whose creamy colour contrasts against defoliated tree canopies, making them an ideal study species for aerial counts. Quad-copter UAV flights over sifaka groups did not elicit antipredator responses. Photographs demonstrated the ability of UAVs to capture viable imagery of sifakas from approximately 20 m above ground level. Unfortunately, crashes resulting from an inability to programme automated flights over hilly forests cut this pilot study short, highlighting several challenges that remain to implementing UAVs in remote field studies. This study demonstrates that while UAVs offer considerable promise in the future of primate research and conservation, high start-up costs and remote field conditions provide challenging obstacles to first time users hoping to use this exciting new technology. Furthermore, we strongly recommend that thermal cameras be used for direct primate counts with UAVs.

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