
LECTURE III.—PARALYSIS AND PARESIS OF THE OCULAR MUSCLES. In the<i>third group</i>of eye troubles which are known to influence the nervous system, we again find the seat of disturbance in the ocular muscles. But the muscular disturbance is of a very different kind from that of the second group. There we found muscular over-activity; here we have to deal with defective muscular action,<i>paresis and paralysis of the muscles</i>; there we saw binocular vision maintained, here binocular vision is abolished. The affections of the second group are a particularly frequent source of pain in the head and other neuralgic symptoms; the paralytic affections induce vertigo, confused vision, and nausea, but never any headache or any other neuralgia. In executing the movements of the eyeballs for the purpose of adjusting the visual lines in the acts of binocular vision the muscles of both eyes act together in sets; and the easy

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