
This study aimed to determine adherence with follow-up from the New Zealand pre-school vision screening programme. The study also examined associations between pre-school vision screening outcomes and cognitive measures assessed at the 54-month follow-up in the Growing Up in New Zealand study cohort. A cross-sectional retrospective record review of pre-school vision screening outcomes and hospital ophthalmology records with linkage to Growing Up in New Zealand cohort study data. Of 176 children referred from vision screening, 21.6% did not attend a referral appointment. Of 138 children who attended a referral appointment, 21.0% did not attend one or more follow-up appointments. Ethnic differences were observed in attendance at referral appointments (attended Māori 13%, Pacific 22.5%, European/Other 64.5%; not attended Māori 26.3%, Pacific 28.9%, European/Other 44.7%; P = 0.04) and follow-up appointments (attended Māori 11.9%, Pacific 15.6%, European/Other 72.5%; not attended Māori 17.2%, Pacific 48.3%, European/Other 34.5%; P = 0.001). Vision screening outcome was significantly associated with letter naming fluency scores (P = 0.01) but not name and numbers scores (P = 0.05). Non-attendance at referral and follow-up appointments limits the efficacy of vision screening, particularly for children of Māori and Pacific ethnicity. Children referred from vision screening achieve lower scores on letter naming fluency, a key predictor of reading ability in later childhood. Equity-based improvements are required to ensure that all children referred from vision screening receive appropriate follow-up eye care.

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