
Gap junctions (GJs) are not static bridges; instead, GJs as well as the molecular building block connexin (Cx) proteins undergo major expression changes in the degenerating retinal tissue. Various progressive diseases, including retinitis pigmentosa, glaucoma, age-related retinal degeneration, etc., affect neurons of the retina and thus their neuronal connections endure irreversible changes as well. Although Cx expression changes might be the hallmarks of tissue deterioration, GJs are not static bridges and as such they undergo adaptive changes even in healthy tissue to respond to the ever-changing environment. It is, therefore, imperative to determine these latter adaptive changes in GJ functionality as well as in their morphology and Cx makeup to identify and distinguish them from alterations following tissue deterioration. In this review, we summarize GJ alterations that take place in healthy retinal tissue and occur on three different time scales: throughout the entire lifespan, during daily changes and as a result of quick changes of light adaptation.

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