
Nowadays, with increasing rate of power consumption, extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF-MFs) from power distribution lines as well as electric house-hold appliances are known as “electromagnetic pollution” is increased. According to the concerns mentioned above, different studies have been carried out to determine the ELFmagnetic field flux densities in urban areas and other studies have been focused on inhabitants in close vicinity to overhead power lines. Alexandria Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC) has about 577 km Medium Voltage (MV) overhead lines. AEDC enumerated three slums which locate under the medium overhead power lines and within the right of way The survey results show one of these slums suffering from high level exposure to ELF-MF reached above 10 µT inside homes which is considered dangerous for long time exposure period especially for children This survey will be a motive to the AEDC to study the feasibility of converting the MV overhead power lines in these slums to underground cables to ensure healthy environment for the inhabitants.

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