
Background and aims – Phytoplankton samples were taken from a periodic, small and very shallow former clay-pit pond in eastern Poland near Lublin city. Diversity of the euglenophyte community was assessed during the period 2002–2004 and in 2014. Methods – Water samples were collected with a 20 µm plankton net and with a slime aspirator (20 ml capacity) from the surface of the bottom. One aliquot of each sample was fixed for SEM observation; the fresh part of the sample was analysed using light microscope. Physical and chemical properties of the water (pH, temperature, conductivity, phosphates and ammonium salt contents) were measured. Diversity indices were calculated (Shannon-Wiener, evenness, Margalef and Simpson) and UPGMA cluster analysis was applied to discern differences among euglenoid assemblages.Key results – In total, 63 euglenophyte taxa were found. The euglenophyte community was dominated by species belonging to the Trachelomonas genus (29 taxa). The most abundant and constant component were widespread and common species such as T. caudata, T. hispida, T. intermedia, T. volvocina and T. volvocinopsis. They usually occurred in very high densities. We also found some rarely reported euglenophytes including Euglena granulata, Trachelomonas lemmermannii, and T. sydneyensis. Conclusions – Euglenophytes were, with a few exceptions, the only group inhabiting the pond. Representatives of other groups such as diatoms or Scenedesmus species were recorded only occasionally. Nearly half of the taxa that were recorded in the first period (2002–2004) were found again after ten years. Of special concern was taxa belonging to the genus Trachelomonas. Trachelomonads, although known to represent taxa preferring waters moderately rich in nutrients, were very numerous in the investigated pond, which was enriched in phosphorus and nitrogen compounds.

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