
Palaeomagnetic results from 27 sites at five localities within the dismembered Baër–Bassit ophiolite of northern Syria are presented. The ophiolite forms part of a series of thrust sheets emplaced over Mesozoic carbonates of the Arabian platform in the middle Maastrichtian. A positive inclination-only area-wide tilt test applied to four locality mean remanences and positive fold and reversal tests from palaeohorizontal units (pillow lavas, lava flows) within one of these localities indicate that the ophiolite preserves pre-deformation magnetisations. Variable directions of remanence between localities demonstrate that the ophiolite has experienced extreme relative anticlockwise rotations on a kilometric scale. Within the most extensively sampled ophiolite massif (Bassit sheet) there is a progressive increase in rotation from north to south. The southernmost units at the lowest structural level in the imbricate thrust stack record the highest rotation (exceeding 200°). Although tectonic rotation during imbricate thrusting has been reported in a number of orogenic belts, the pattern of rotations in the Bassit sheet is difficult to explain by differential thrust sheet rotation. Instead, regional comparisons with the Hatay ophiolite of southern Turkey and the Troodos ophiolite of Cyprus suggest that a significant component of rotation may be ascribed to intraoceanic deformation of a coherent region of oceanic crust within the southern Neotethyan basin prior to ophiolite emplacement. The partially rotated Baër–Bassit ophiolite was then emplaced and structurally dismembered by thrust faulting. During the Late Tertiary the ophiolitic units were further rotated during the initiation and development of a major sinistral strike-slip fault zone, linking the Cyprus subduction zone to the Dead Sea Transform system. The extreme rotations observed in the study are therefore of composite origin, and reflect the complex development of structural fabrics within the ophiolite.

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