
Extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) is an artificial intelligence algorithm capable of high accuracy and low inference time. The current study applies this XGBoost to the production of platinum nano-film coating through atomic layer deposition (ALD). In order to generate a database for model development, platinum is coated on α-Al2O3 using a rotary-type ALD equipment. The process is controlled by four parameters: process temperature, stop valve time, precursor pulse time, and reactant pulse time. A total of 625 samples according to different process conditions are obtained. The ALD coating index is used as the Al/Pt component ratio through ICP-AES analysis during postprocessing. The four process parameters serve as the input data and produces the Al/Pt component ratio as the output data. The postprocessed data set is randomly divided into 500 training samples and 125 test samples. XGBoost demonstrates 99.9% accuracy and a coefficient of determination of 0.99. The inference time is lower than that of random forest regression, in addition to a higher prediction safety than that of the light gradient boosting machine.

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