
We present a thorough characterization of a large sample of 183 extreme emission-line galaxies (EELGs) at redshift 0.11 < z < 0.93 selected from the 20k zCOSMOS Bright Survey because of their unusually large emission line equivalent widths. We use multiwavelength COSMOS photometry, HST-ACS I-band imaging and optical zCOSMOS spectroscopy to derive the main global properties of EELGs, such as sizes, masses, SFRs, reliable metallicities from both "direct" and "strong-line" methods. The EELGs are compact (R_50 ~ 1.3 kpc), low-mass (log(M*/Msol)~7-10) galaxies forming stars at unusually high specific SFR (log(sSFR/yr) up to ~ -7) compared to main sequence SFGs of the same stellar mass and redshift. At UV wavelengths, the EELGs are luminous and show high surface brightness and include strong Ly$\alpha$ emitters, as revealed by GALEX spectroscopy. We show that zCOSMOS EELGs are high-ionization, low-metallicity systems, with median 12+log(O/H)=8.16, including a handful of extremely metal-deficient galaxies (<10% solar). While ~80% of the EELGs show non-axisymmetric morphologies, including clumpy and tadpole galaxies, we find that ~29% of them show additional low surface-brightness features, which strongly suggest recent or ongoing interactions. As star-forming dwarfs in the local Universe, EELGs are most often found in relative isolation. While only very few EELGs belong to compact groups, almost one third of them are found in spectroscopically confirmed loose pairs or triplets. We conclude that EELGs are galaxies caught in a transient and probably early period of their evolution, where they are efficiently building-up a significant fraction of their present-day stellar mass in an ongoing galaxy-wide starburst. Therefore, the EELGs constitute an ideal benchmark for comparison studies between low- and high-redshift low-mass star-forming galaxies.


  • Low-mass galaxies undergoing vigorous bursts of star formation over galaxy-wide scales provide unique laboratories for understanding galaxy mass assembly and chemical evolution over cosmic times

  • We present a thorough characterization of a large sample of 183 extreme emission-line galaxies (EELGs) at redshift 0.11 ≤ z ≤ 0.93 selected from the 20k zCOSMOS bright survey because of their unusually large emission line equivalent widths

  • While only very few EELGs belong to compact groups, almost one third of them are found in spectroscopically confirmed loose pairs or triplets

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Sample and characterization of global properties

R. Amorín1,2, E. Pérez-Montero2,3,4, T. Contini3,4, J. M. Vílchez2, M. Bolzonella10, L. A. M. Tasca6, F. Lamareille3,4, G. Zamorani10, C. Maier5,16, C. M. Carollo5, J.-P. Kneib6, O. Le Fèvre6, S. Lilly5, V. Mainieri7, A. Renzini8, M. Scodeggio9, S. Bardelli10, A. Bongiorno11, K. Caputi21, O. Cucciati13, S. de la Torre12, L. de Ravel12, P. Franzetti9, B. Garilli9,6, A. Iovino14, P. Kampczyk5, C. Knobel5, K. Kovac5,15, J.-F. Le Borgne3,4, V. Le Brun6, M. Mignoli10, R. Pellò3,4, Y. Peng5, V. Presotto17,14, E. Ricciardelli18, J. D. Silverman19, M. Tanaka19, L. Tresse6, D. Vergani10,20, and E. Zucca10

The parent zCOSMOS 20k bright sample
The EELG sample selection
Identification of AGNs: diagnostic diagrams
The properties of extreme emission-line galaxies in zCOSMOS
The low stellar masses of EELGs
Dust extinction and star formation rate of EELGs
UV properties
The gas-phase metallicity of EELGs
Metallicity derived through the direct method
Metallicity from strong-line methods
Visual classification
Quantitative analysis
The environment of EELGs
Discovery of extremely metal-poor EELGs
Lyman-alpha emission in EELGs
Comparison with other EELG studies
Summary and conclusions
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