
We present an implementation of τ-EO for quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) problems. To this end, we transform modify QUBO from its conventional Boolean presentation into a spin glass with a random external field on each site. These fields tend to be rather large compared to the typical coupling, presenting EO with a challenging two-scale problem, exploring smaller differences in couplings effectively while sufficiently aligning with those strong external fields. However, we also find a simple solution to that problem that indicates that those external fields apparently tilt the energy landscape to a such a degree such that global minima become more easy to find than those of spin glasses without (or very small) fields. We explore the impact of the weight distribution of the QUBO formulation in the operations research literature and analyze their meaning in a spin-glass language. This is significant because QUBO problems are considered among the main contenders for NP-hard problems that could be solved efficiently on a quantum computer such as D-Wave.

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