
A variety of molecular-graph-based structure-descriptors were proposed, in particular the Wiener index W. the largest graph eigenvalue λ1, the connectivity index X, the graph energy E and the Hosoya index Z, capable of measuring the branching of the carbon-atom skeleton of organic compounds, and therefore suitable for describing several of their physico-chemical properties. We now determine the structure of the chemical trees (= the graph representation of acyclic saturated hydrocarbons) that are extremal with respect to W , λ1, E, and Z. whereas the analogous problem for X was solved earlier. Among chemical trees with 5. 6, 7, and 3k + 2 vertices, k = 2,3,..., one and the same tree has maximum λ1 and minimum W, E, Z. Among chemical trees with 3k and 3k +1 vertices, k = 3,4...., one tree has minimum 11 and maximum λ1 and another minimum E and Z .

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