
Since its discovery, Aire has been the topic of numerous studies in its role as a transcriptional regulator in the thymus where it promotes the "promiscuous" expression of a large repertoire of tissue-restricted antigens (TRAs) that are normally expressed only in the immune periphery. This process occurs in specialized medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTECs) and mediates the elimination of self-reactive T cells or promotestheir conversion to the Foxp3+ regulatory T cell lineage, both of which are required for the prevention of autoimmunity. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the role of extrathymic Aire expression in peripheral organs. The focus has primarily been on the identification of the cellular source(s) and mechanism(s) by which extrathymic AIRE affects tolerance-related or other physiological processes. A cadre of OMICs tools including single cell RNA sequencingand novel transgenic models to trace Aire expression to perform lineage tracing experiments haveshed light on a phenomenon that is more complex than previously thought. In this chapter, we provide a deeper analysis of how extrathymic Aire research hasdeveloped and progressed, how cellular sources were identified, and how the function of AIRE was determined. Current data suggests that extrathymic AIRE fulfills a function that differs from what has been observed in the thymus and strongly argues that its main purpose is to regulate transcriptional programs in a cell content-dependent manner. Surprisingly, there is data that also suggests a non-transcriptional role of extrathymic AIRE in the cytoplasm. We have arrived at a potential turning point that will take the field from the classical understanding of AIRE as a transcription factor in control of TRA expression to its role in immunological and non-immunological processes in the periphery.

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