
Some species of the paleotropical tree genus Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae) live in close association with ants. The genus comprises the full range of species from those not regularly inhabited by ants to obligate myrmecophytes. In Malaysia (Peninsular and Borneo) 23 of the 52 species are known to be ant-associated (44%). The simplest structural adaptation of plants to attract ants are extrafloral nectaries. We studied the distribution of extrafloral nectaries in the genus Macaranga to assess the significance of this character as a possible predisposition for the evolution of obligate myrmecophytism. All species have marginal glands on the leaves. However, only the glands of non- myrmecophytic species function as nectaries, whereas liquids secreted by these glands in myrmecophytic species did not contain sugar. Some non-myrmecophytic Macaranga and transitional Macaranga species in addition have extrafloral nectaries on the leaf blade near the petiole insertion. All obligatorily myrmecophytic Macaranga species, however, lack additional glands on the lamina. The non-myrmecophytic species are visited by a variety of different ant species, whereas myrmecophytic Macaranga are associated only with one specific ant-partner. Since these ants keep scale insects in the hollow stems, reduction of nectary production in ant-inhabited Macaranga seems to be biologically significant. We interpret this as a means of (a) saving the assimilates and (b) stabilization of maintenance of the association's specificity. Competition with other ant species for food rewards is avoided and thereby danger of weakening the protective function of the obligate ant- partner for the plant is reduced. A comparison with other euphorb species living in the same habitats as Macaranga showed that in genera in which extrafloral nectaries are widespread, no myrmecophytes have evolved. Possession of extrafloral nectaries does not appear to be essential for the development of symbiotic ant-plant interactions. Other predispositions such as nesting space might have played a more important role.

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