
The necessity of respiratory monitoring is rapidly increasing in medical field to diagnose various cardio-pulmonary diseases. It is difficult to monitor respiration for ambulatory and ICU patients, as conventional methods are either obtrusive or suffer from low accuracy. The extraction of ECG derived respiration (EDR) signal using single-lead ECG has been proposed lately. This allows monitoring of ECG and respiration signal simultaneously from a recorded ECG signal. Recently few methods for EDR extraction from ECG are reported in literature. In this work, respiratory rates (RR) are derived from Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and Peak Amplitude Variation (PAV) method and a comparative study of these two methods is reported. Moreover, the validation of the proposed methods is made by comparing the obtained RR with that derived from original respiration signal. Subjects from Fantasia database and real-time data for both normal and with pulmonary diseases are considered for the work.

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