
Security systems in companies, airports, enter-prises, etc. face numerous challenges. Among the major ones there is objects or face recognition. The problem with the robustness of recognition systems that usually affects color images nowadays can be addressed by multispectral image acquisition in the near infrared range with cameras equipped with new high performance sensors able to take images in dark or uncontrolled environments with much more accuracy. Multispectral CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semi-conductor) sensors in a single shot record several wavelengths that are isolated and allow very specific analyses. They are equipped with new acquisition methods and provide observations that are more accurate. The current generation of these imaging sensors involve scientific and technical interest because they provide much more information than those that operate in visible range; precise nature and spatio-temporal evolution of the areas need to be analyzed. In this study, multispectral images acquired by camera equipped with a hybrid sensor operating in near infrared has been used. This camera is built in the ImViA laboratory of the University of Bourgogne as part of the European project EXIST (EXtended Image Sensing Technologies). The process involved in image acquisition, image mosaicing and image demosaicing by using mosaic filters. After acquisition process the interest points be extract in these bands of images in order to know how information is shared out all over the bands. The results were satisfactory because information is spread all over the images bands and the algorithms used also have detected many interest points. Based on the results, a large database can be set up for a face recognition system building.


  • Conventional digital color cameras that generally operate in the visible spectrum seem to be limited in many situations where more information is needed and acquisition conditions are still difficult such as making acquisitions under a cloudy sky, while information beyond the visible range is required such as plants that emit in infra-red range, or when acquiring an image with more accuracy is needed, or when the calibration of the acquisition system is needed, or when making acquisitions in uncontrolled or dark environments is necessary, etc

  • This study focuses on multispectral (MS) imaging, primarly the use of the camera equipped with a hybrid sensor

  • This MS camera used in this work was built with a hybrid sensor, a Multispectrsl Filter Array (MSFA) mounted on a CMOS sensor that provided the best resolution for mosaic image, due to the small moxel used and due to the size of filter pitch (5 × 5μm2)

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In almost every sector, security and attack problems have become a crucial challenge. For example to verify that a fingerprint comes from a living finger and not a copy of that finger, it is obvious that the near infra-red range is the best fit since veins are visible through the skin in this area, Laura ReyBarroso et al introduced Near infra-red (NIR) multispectral imaging system to evaluate deeper skin layers thanks to higher penetration of photon at this wavelengths [13] This hybrid system, integrated into a camera with dedicated hardware and software computations, allows a performance in real-time application with 30 fps. In the context of the problems listed above, a camera equipped with a hybrid sensor has been proposed, in which an optimization of the spectral bands from 680 nm to 950 nm (NIR) has been set up as optimal bands [14] This camera that captures images on eight bands allowed good resolution for images. The interest points will be extracted in these image bands for tests

Hybrid Sensor
Multispectral Images
Mosaic Filters
Mosaic Images
Strips Extraction (f) Band6extract
Multispectal Dematrixing by Bilinear Interpolation
Point of Interest
Test and Images Used
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