
The naturally occurring peptides and digested proteins of fetal versus adult bovine serum were compared by LC-ESI-MS/MS after correction against noise from blank injections and random MS/MS spectra as statistical controls. Serum peptides were extracted by differential precipitation with mixtures of acetonitrile and water. Serum proteins were separated by partition chromatography over quaternary amine resin followed by tryptic digestion. The rigorous X!TANDEM goodness of fit algorithm that has a low error rate as demonstrated by low FDR q-values (q ≤ 0.01) showed qualitative and quantitative agreement with the SEQUEST cross correlation algorithm on 12,052 protein gene symbols. Tryptic digestion provided a quantitative identification of the serum proteins where observation frequency reflected known high abundance. In contrast, the naturally occurring peptides reflected the cleavage of common serum proteins such as C4A, C3, FGB, HPX, A2M but also proteins in lower concentration such as F13A1, IK, collagens and protocadherins. Proteins associated with cellular growth and development such as actins (ACT), ribosomal proteins like Ribosomal protein S6 (RPS6), synthetic enzymes and extracellular matrix factors were enriched in fetal calf serum. In contrast to the large literature from cord blood, IgG light chains were absent from fetal serum as observed by LC-ESI-MS/MS and confirmed by ELISA.

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