
The extraction efficiency, fatty acid profiles (FAP) and classes of lipids separated from insect powders by a one-step process were studied. Hexane (H), chloroform (C), methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE), and 3:2 hexane-isopropanol (HI) were used as extraction solvents and results were compared to 2:1 chloroform-methanol (CM). A 1:10 sample:solvent was mixed and centrifuged to separate the lipid layer which was then filtered and dried. Extraction was best (P<0.05) using CM as the solvent for adult cricket and locust; however, MTBE had the greatest efficiency (P<0.05) for silkworm pupae. The lipid classes extracted from silkworm were most like the initial powder (p>0.05), regardless of solvent. H and MTBE extracted lipid classes like (P>0.05) the initial cricket and locust, respectively. The FAP for cricket lipid was like the initial (P>0.05) when CM was used; however, the FAPs of locust and silkworm lipid were most like the initial powders (P>0.05) when MTBE and C were used as the solvent, respectively.

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