
Terbium metal finds applications in the phosphor industry such as in fluorescent lighting and television tubes, and in the electronic industry for the production of magneto-optical recording media for computer storage discs, and in the production of specialty alloys. There are no direct high grade ores of terbium, rather it occurs as a very minor constituent in ores of the rare-earth minerals. For example, terbium oxide constitutes only 0.01% of California's bastnaesite. 0.05-0.16% of Florida' s monazite. and in the order of 1.00% in the Malaysian xenotime. Currently, the chief rare-earth bearing minerals of commercial importance are bastnaesite (California), monazite (Florida, Australia. India and China) and xenotime( Malaysia). Extraction of high purity terbium metal involves several major steps. These are (1) Recovery of rare earth minerals from ores into (REO)concentrates (2)Leaching of rare earth metals (REM) into leach solutions. This step is often preceded by a roasting step and a mild leaching to ...

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