
Aim: To evaluate the protein composition in the ginger rhizome and its interaction with glucose molecule.
 Place and Duration of Study: Department of Biochemistry, Sokoto State University, Sokoto, Nigeria, between April 2021 and May 2021.
 Methodology: Protein was extracted from the rhizome of ginger using 0.1 M phosphate buffer. The protein concentration of the sample was estimated using Biuret method while using xanthoproteic test, the presence of aromatic amino acids was ascertained. The crude protein sample was interacted with glucose using UV interaction study.
 Results: The protein concentration of the sample (2 g) was found to be 1.702 mg/ml, it was identified that ginger rhizome contains aromatic amino acids. UV interaction study between the crude protein sample and glucose molecule showed an increase in absorbance at the range of 280 nm.
 Conclusion: The interaction of ginger with glucose shows that it possesses a hypoglycemic effect.

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