
Medical plants have been used from thousands of years to treat and prevent many diseases. Wockhardt global school Consist various plants variety and for this study three medicinal plants were selected and these plants are Tridax procumbiens (Tantani), Ficus racemosa (Umbar), Nyctanthes abortiristis (Parijat). The primary aim of this study was to extract and identify the presence of phytochemicals and to determine their medicinal uses for human beings. From Vedic era the traditional plant medicines has been considered as a primary healthcare for human beings. In the given study the presence of flavonoids, alkaloids, N-Containing chemicals were determined by using phytochemical extraction method. The chemicals were identified based upon various qualitative tests. The selected plants consist glycosides, alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids and carbohydrates. This phytochemicals are responsible for anti-inflammatory properties hence the selected medicinal plants can be used for inflammation, bone pain, joint pain, swelling, and common cough etc. Keywords: Medicinal plants, secondary metabolites, phytochemicals, flavonoids, alkaloids, leaf extract.

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