
Abstract. The collection of geographic data is of primary importance for the creation and maintenance of a GIS. Traditionally the acquisition of 3D information has been the task of photogrammetry using aerial stereo images. Digital photogrammetric systems employ sophisticated software to extract digital terrain models or to plot 3D objects. The demand for 3D city models leads to new applications and new standards. City Geography Mark-up Language (CityGML), a concept for modelling and exchange of 3D city and landscape models, defines the classes and relations for the most relevant topographic objects in cities and regional models with respect to their geometrical, topological, semantically and topological properties. It now is increasingly accepted, since it fulfils the prerequisites required e.g. for risk analysis, urban planning, and simulations. There is a need to include existing 3D information derived from photogrammetric processes in CityGML databases. In order to filling the gap, this paper reports on a framework transferring data plotted by Erdas LPS and Stereo Analyst for ArcGIS software to CityGML using Safe Software's Feature Manupulate Engine (FME)

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