
Aims: Biotic stress given by Aspergillus niger enhances trans-resveratrol production in Arachis hypogaea plant. This plant extract increases sir2 gene expression and Replicative Life Span in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
 Design of Study: Peanut plant was grown in aseptic environment, infected by Aspergillus niger. Plant extract used for quantification of trans-resveratrol by RP-HPLC. Yeast culture was grown in Potato dextrose media along with plant extract. Sir2 gene expression fold calculated by real time pcr. Replicative Life Span of yeast was measured by spectrophotometer.
 Place and Duration of Study: Allele Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd., Department of Biotechnology between February 2017 to March 2020.
 Methodology: Biotic stress in Arachis hypogaea plant was induced by wounding the leaves and introducing Aspergillus niger to enhance trans-resveratrol production. Tran-resveratrol was quantified by Reverse Phase High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (RP-HPLC). Two methods conducted to check reverse ageing, first one epigenetic based, when extracted trans-resveratrol from infected Arachis hypogaea plant extract added to Saccharomyces cerevisiae culture, it enhanced expression of Sir2 gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae measured by qPCR, ABI applied biosystem. Process included RNA isolation, cDNA synthesis and thereafter qPCR. Enhanced expression of sirtuin responsible for gene silencing as sirtuin (Sir2 gene product) is a class of Histone deacetylase transferase enzyme. Second method, Replicative Life Span of Saccharomyces cerevisiae culture increased when Aspergillus niger infected peanut plant extract added to yeast culture which was measured through spectrophotometer at 600nm and showed high absorbance value.
 Results: Tran-resveratrol was quantified by Reverse Phase High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (RP-HPLC) and yield was 2.24 mg/g. Sir2 gene expression increased by 1.56 fold in yeast grown in infected peanut plant extract. Absorbance of yeast culture grown in infected peanut plant extract was 0.522±0.008 which was higher than control.
 Conclusion: Sir2 gene expression enhances along with replicative life span in yeast in presence of peanut plant extract.


  • As we age older, our body deteriotes and it looses the ability to work

  • Tran-resveratrol was quantified by Reverse Phase High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (RP-high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)) and yield was 2.24 mg/g

  • In present study, budding yeast has been selected as model orgnaism. In this organism we found that SIR2 was regulated up when they are grown in presence of peanut extract which contains tran-resveratrol (Quantified by HPLC)

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Our body deteriotes and it looses the ability to work. Aged body adds extra pressure to a family, society and to country. We find that our ancestors followed some healthy practices in life style when there were no scientific evidences, will be verified by this reverse ageing theory whether it comes food, exercise or religious customs to keep body calorie restricted (fasting) Lone these practices are having their own grey area such as regular food intake will results into many free radicals accumulation in body which further damages cell [1], if some opts for regular extreme physical exercises this produces free radicals [2] and body will remain in demand of more energy whole day and if we may keep body nutrients restricted by fasting this state may cause lack of key elements in body which can reduce body’s immunity [3]. Stated problems are not today’s problem, but it has become part of curiosity for human being since we understood life

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