
The extracellular matrix (ECM) or cell wall is a dynamic system and serves as the first line mediator in cell signaling to perceive and transmit extra- and intercellular signals in many pathways. Although ECM is a conserved compartment ubiquitously present throughout evolution, a compositional variation does exist among different organisms. ECM proteins account for 10% of the ECM mass, however, comprise several hundreds of different molecules with diverse functions. To understand the function of ECM proteins, we have developed the cell wall proteome of a crop legume, chickpea (Cicer arietinum). This comprehensive overview of the proteome would provide a basis for future comparative proteomic efforts for this important crop. Proteomic analyses revealed new ECM proteins of unknown functions vis-à-vis the presence of many known cell wall proteins. In addition, we report here evidence for the presence of unexpected proteins with known biochemical activities, which have never been associated with ECM.

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