
In composite models of weak bosons based on a confining gauge theory, extra weak bosons introduced as composites of scalar constituents are shown to exhibit kinetic mixing interactions describing the vector-meson dominance of the photon and to disguise themselves as massive elementary gauge particles in accord with the notion of complementarity. Detailed discussions are presented for a ${\mathrm{U}(1)}_{\mathrm{em}}^{\mathrm{loc}}$ model with a confined ${\mathrm{SU}(2)}_{L}^{\mathrm{loc}}\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{\mathcal{G}}^{\mathrm{loc}}$ gauge symmetry, where ${\mathcal{G}}^{\mathrm{loc}}={\mathcal{SU}(2)}_{L}^{\mathrm{loc}}\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{\mathcal{SU}(2)}_{R}^{\mathrm{loc}}$, which is responsible for compositeness of quarks and leptons as well. This phenomenon is also shown to arise in QCD with three flavors, utilizing the diquark degrees of freedom, where the octet baryons and vector mesons are viewed as massive quarks and gluons, respectively.

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