
The 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge (DCG) was a 'Huge Leap Forward for Robotics R&D' according to the DARPA Grand Challenge tracking website. Similar to the transatlantic flight competition that spurred commercial flights all over the world, the Grand Challenge was a step forward in the area of navigation for unmanned ground vehicles. However, questions like 'What are the important technologies brought forth by the Grand Challenge?' and 'How can these technologies assist our soldiers in the field?' need to be addressed. This paper will look at the 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge from the perspective of individuals involved in some of the Army's unmanned ground vehicle programs. Information will be presented contrasting this year's competition to the one held in 2004. Details of the enabling technologies from many of the competitors will be discussed along with problems they encountered at the National Qualification Event (NQE) and on Race Day. Finally, thoughts will be presented on how these technologies may be harvested in commercial and DOD research and development for current and future systems.

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