
This paper probes the factors which determine or enable SMEs to acquire external support, to achieve technological innovation outputs (in the form of innovation sales) and to enhance economic performance (in the form of sales growth). At the outset a conceptual framework (based on literature survey) is formulated by identifying the key variables relevant to the research objectives. Subsequently based on primary data gathered from 157 innovative SMEs covering auto components, electronics and machine tool industries in the Bangalore city region of India, we analyzed the three objectives. By means of logistic regression analysis, we ascertained that SMEs which have internal technical competence in the form of technically qualified owner/manager and an exclusive design office, which innovate frequently, particularly focusing on both product and process innovations obtained external support relative to the rest. Backward elimination multiple regression analysis revealed that firms which are able to obtain and complement external support to their internal technical competence, and which are "entrepreneurial firms" achieved more innovation sales. Finally, backward elimination multiple regression analysis ascertained that innovation sales, objective of firm origin, age of firms and nature of innovations significantly influenced the sales growth of SMEs.

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