
The paper is mainly concerned with the interconnection of the boundary behaviour of the solutions of the exterior Dirichlet and Neumann problems of harmonic analysis for the unit disk in {mathbb {R}}^2 and the unit ball in {mathbb {R}}^3 with the corresponding behaviour of the associated ergodic inverse problems for the entire space. The basis is the theory of semigroups of linear operators mapping a Banach space X into itself. The classical one-parameter theory for semigroups applies in the present particular applications, actually for X= L^2_{2pi } in case of the unit disk, and X=L^2(S) in the three dimensional setting, S being the unit sphere in {mathbb {R}}^3. Another tool is a Drazin-like inverse operator B for the infinitesimal generator A of a semigroup that arises naturally in ergodic theory. This operator B is a closed, not necessarily bounded, operator. It was introduced in a paper with Butzer and Westphal (Indiana Univ Math J 20:1163–1174, 1970/1971) and extended to a generalized setting with Butzer and Koliha (J Oper Theory 62:297–326, 2009).

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